Debbie turned me into a Camelliaphile |
May 8, 2022 |
Mrs. B. from West Midlands
I bought my 'Debbie' from Trehane about 30 years ago. I became like a kid in a sweet shop every time I saw another variety in local garden centres and had to stop buying when I ran out of space. The reasons Debbie's my favourite. (1) longest flowering period:often 5 months, (2) the flowers drop before they look bad so the bush is not tainted by brown, leaving a carpet mostly covered in pink blooms.(3) VERY floriferous....sometimes hard to see the green for pink blooms. (4) both full paeony and anemone (cup and saucer) flowers. (5) lovely effect when 2 terminal buds happen on 1 twig causing a back to back complete ball : simply gorgeous. (6) Upright bushy habit. very well deserved AGM award.
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